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6° WORKSHOP TEMATICO - Bologna - 14-15 Giugno 2012

Guide for Authors (Italian Journal of Remote Sensing FORMAT)

Language: the language is English (Title: it should not be longer than 120 characters including blanks).

Keywords: not less than 2 and not more than 10 keywords have to be provided.

Format: the manuscript must have double spaced lines, numbered lines, numbered pages.

Manuscript files in MICROSOFT WORD (.doc, .docx, .rtf).

Indicate the corresponding author for contacts with Editorial Office affiliation, address, phone numbers, and e-mail). The corresponding author should send the final version of the file in electronic format (.doc, .docx or .rtf).

The manuscript should be formatted as follows:

Font: Times New Roman, single spacing. Title: 15 pt centred, bold type. Authors: (full first name and family name) 9.5 pt, bold type. Affiliations: 9 pt, normal type, centred. Titles of paragraph: 11.5 pt, bold type, no capital nor small capital, aligned on the left without full stop. Text: 10.5 pt, normal type, justified.

All equations and formulae must be identified by a number enclosed in square brackets and placed on the right. Square brackets should be used for references to the equations and formulae within the text. Decimal separator: please use when the paper is written in English language and when it is in Italian language.

Tables: type for tables are in Times New Roman 9 pt. The tables should be mentioned inside the text with Table n, or (Tab. n) if in brackets. The tables should be preceded by a descriptive caption in bold type 9 pt, with Table in full, followed by a dash without full stop, eg. Table 1 -. Tables should be in black and white and centred in the text.

Figures (photos, diagrams, charts, graphs): the Figures should be mentioned inside the text with Figure n or (Fig. n) if in brackets. They should be followed by a descriptive caption in bold type 9 pt, with Figure in full, followed by a dash without full stop, eg. Figure 1 - .The maximum width of the figures is 17 cm and is not expected to print rotated figures. With the exception of the figures printed in full correctness, all the other figures can not have a base greater than 9.5 cm.
Figures should be included in the text of the wishes size for printing. The figures should also be provided in a separate file, without borders, in .tiff format with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi. In case of figures composed by two o more images, the Authors should send the figures already assembled in .tiff format.
References to projects, funding, reviewers will be included before the Bibliography in a section entitled Acknowledgements.

References: they are enclosed in [ ] with the following format: [Green, 1990] or [Rossi and Green, 1989], [Green et al., 1987] if the number of authors is greater than two. More works by the same author and the same year will be identified with the letters a, b, c. etc. More works by the same author cited consecutively should be placed in chronological order, with years separated by a comma [Rossi, 1990, 1993], while more works of different authors cited consecutively should be placed in chronological order and separated by a semicolon [Rossi, 1990; Bianchi, 1997]. If mentioned as part of a sentence, the name of an Author [1995] is followed by year of the reference publication.

Bibliography: all and only the works cited in the text should appear in Bibliography.
All the references in the bibliography must be cited in the text, all references cited The Bibliography should be listed in alphabetical order according to the Family name of the first author:
Green A., Rossi C. (1978) Principles of Remote Sensing. Smith Editor, Rome. pp. 324.
White A., Rossi V., Green T. (1999) - Methods for the integration of TM and SPOT images. Italian Journal of Remote Sensing, 19: 153-157. DOI: 10.234/xyz.34.21111.
White K. (1998) ERS-3 data elaboration for landslide automatic mapping. Proceedings of the XXI Congress of the Italian Society of Geomorfology. Pisa. pp. 34- 76.
Avoid the use AA.VV., even if the number of Authors is high.

See below for the Abstract Template

Sottomissione dell'abstract ed edit dati personali cliccando QUI (dopo login)


  • Il workshop cliccando QUI.
  • Programma del workshop QUI.
  • Istruzioni per SPONSOR e PATROCINI cliccando QUI.
  • HOTEL convenzionati cliccando QUI.
  • Istruzioni per gli AUTORI cliccando QUI.
  • Registrazione per partecipare all'evento cliccando QUI
  • Sottomissione dell'abstract ed edit dati personali cliccando QUI (dopo login)
  • Richiesta invio userid e password cliccando QUI (dopo registrazione)

Sponsor:  http://www.exelisvis.com/
 #http://www.intergraph.com/global/it/#   http://www.planetek.it/


DOC - Template per gli autori (MS WORD)




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