An European virtual laboratory for enterprise interoperability


INTEROP-VLab is the "International Virtual Laboratory for Enterprise Interoperability"(INTEROP, officially created as an AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) under the Belgian law. INTEROP-VLab is stemming from the Network of Excellence INTEROP-NoE (Interoperability Research for Networked Enterprise Applications and Software, FP6 508011), coordinated by University Bordeaux 1.
The mission of INTEROP-VLab is to consolidate, develop and durably maintain the new European research community founded by the INTEROP-NoE in its three years and half of intense integrating, joint research and dissemination- activities in the domain of Enterprise Interoperability.
INTEROP-VLab is a virtual, i.e. distributed and coordinated research organization, which is capable of aggregating existing and future research laboratories in close connection with industry, to achieve a number of goals that each single participant organization could not reach.

  • A network of 8 regional poles, bringing together leading academics, research centers, industrial stakeholders, SMEs, from 9 European countries and from China
  • An access route to 300 top specialists in the domain of Enterprise Interoperability (EI)

INTEROP-VLab proposes:

  • Solutions which combine multi-disciplinary domains: organization, semantic requirements and IT
  • Dissemination of Knowledge; Education & Training; Collaborative analysis of the market situation; State of the Art; Standardisation advice; Mutualisation of research funds through Collaborative Research

The INTEROP-VLab Poles INTEROP-VLab is an association whose members are constituing in "Pole". A "Pole" is a set of partners located in a geographical territory (Region, country, set of countries or connected parts of countries). The activities of "Poles" are synergized at the European scale by a coordination structure. The 8 Poles members of INTEROP-VLab are:

  • the UK Pole
  • the German Pole represented by DFI Association
  • the PGSO (Pole Grand Sud-Ouest, France) represented by the University Bordeaux 1
  • the China Pole represented by Harbin Institute of Technology
  • the Spanish Pole, represented by INTERVAL
  • the Portuguese Pole, represented by Uninova, New University of Lisbon
  • the North Pole (Sweden, Norway, Finland) represented by University of Bergen
  • the Italian Pole, INTEROP, represented by IASI-CNR

A new member will join INTEROP-VLab soon: the Pole Grande-Region (Lorraine, Belgium) represented by University of Nancy Henri Poincarč


WEB - IESA 2010 - workshop Standards – a foundation for Interoperability
Workshop at I-ESA 2010 Conference held at Coventry, about Standards – a foundation for Interoperability; promoted by
The goal of the workshop is to increase awareness and understanding of interoperability standards as a fundamental need
WEB -, European virtual laboratory
WEB -, Italian pole of European virtual laboratory
DOC -, first workshop, Cagliari 2008
DOC -, 2nd workshop, Roma 2009

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