Using CustomUBL: the application allows to load an UBL Schema document (maindoc). After the customization, it produces the following files that can be downloaded locally:
- A custom UBL schema document (maindoc);
- The custom UBL schema documents (common) imported from the maindoc;
- A XML document for documentation purpose. This document collects and describes the changes made to get the customized documents from the base document;
- An HTML page which displays the information in the XML document through a representation of them organized and intuitive.
CustomUBL has an efficient search functionality, essential for navigation of UBL documents which are characterized by a very large number of elements. With this search functionality you can get all the possible path in which an element can appear and navigate the document using the path obtained through research. You can also search all the items whose name contains a specific substring. For each item found is reported the number of occurrences, and you can get all the possible path.