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CPA-MatchMaker is a java web application to create ebXML Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA) from two ebXML Collaboration Profiles (CPP).

The goal of CPA-MatchMaker is to provide to each couple of users a way to achieve a CPA Agreement, when possible, and to resolve ambiguous situations, starting from two CPP Profiles.
CPA-MatchMaker is the second (of two) step to prepare a business collaboration, the previous step is to use the CPP-Editor to create two CPP Profiles (one for user).


  • allows the CPA Agreement creation from two CPP Profiles using a CPA template,
  • allows the CPA Profile modification loading the two original CPP profiles,
  • implementing the matching task,
    • searches into the two CPP Profiles each possible combination of two compatible Parties,
    • for each possible couple of parties, searches possible business processes
    • for each business process, searches possible business transactions
  • not supports, at the moment, the matching of security characteristics.

The user will insert the needed information and will perform choices in the cases of ambiguity.


DOC - Tour Functionalità di CPA-MatchMaker (WP410-009)




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