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Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of construction materials from historical buildings of Ferrara (Italy)
Autori Marrocchino E, Telloli C, Vaccaro C.  Anno 2021
Tipologia Articolo Rivista internazionale con referaggio
Abstract This paper presents a chemical-mineralogical characterization of construction materials from medieval Renaissance buildings of Ferrara (NE Italy) to provide an insight into the nature and provenance of the raw materials used. Biagio Rossetti was an Italian architect and urbanist from the city of Ferrara. From 1483, he was the architect of the Duke of Ferrara Ercole I d’Este who in 1492 assigned him the project of enlarging the city of Ferrara. Biagio Rossetti is still famous because he designed and built many notable palaces and churches in Ferrara, e.g., the Palazzo Roverella, the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie and the renovation of the church of San Andrea. To date, only the first two historic buildings are still in use and consequently restored, while the church of San Andrea has been abandoned over the years and the remains have been subject to decay. Different kinds of samples (bricks, cotto, plaster and mortars) were collected from the three sampling sites and analyzed in X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffractometer to investigate the construction materials through the evaluation of their chemical composition, historic building activity and degradation degree. These investigations should provide knowledge useful for restoration and conservation processes.
Referenza_Bibliografica Geosciences, special issue Natural and Environmental Hazards of Cultural Heritage (2021), 11, 31.
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