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LISEA Laboratorio Innovazione industriale e Sostenibilità Energetico-Ambientale
Acronym LISEA
Abstract LISEA, regional research laboratory, constitued in 2008 with the fundings of Emilia Romagna Region.
Large_Description Technologies and methodologies for sustainable develpment are more and more a critical element for our society and require a systematic and integrated approach, encompassing many aspects of the evaluation of the sustainability for an industrial activity or the development of a territory.

In order to facilitate the sinergies between industry and research, the adoption of innovative technologies, the environment protection and the efficient use of Energy, the Emilia Romagna Region has funded structures addressing these issues and promoted by the main universities and research organisations in the region; these structures form the Regional Network for High Technology.

Laboratorio LISEA has developed its activities in the area of the technologies and methodologies for the sustainable development, more specifically in:

•Energy design(efficiency and renewable sources),
•Analysis and evaluation of environmental sustainability of industrial processes and products
•ICT technologies and organisational innovation, in order to reduce the waste of material and of energy and to increase the industrial processes efficiency
start_date 01/10/2008
end_date 30/04/2011
url_reference www.lisealab.it
Development_Status Complete
Funding Regional
S3 Area none  Traiectory  not specified
Platform none  Section not specified
Project_Type TT
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
X-LAB Unità Operativa X-LAB Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY) Coordinator
TIGRI Tecnologie integrate per la gestione della risorsa idrica Home page LEA laboratory (ENVIRONMENT) Partner
EDI Efficientamento energetico degli edifici mediante l’adozione di materiali innovativi ed energie rinnovabili Home page LAERTE laboratory (ENERGY EFFICIENCY) Partner
LEI LCA ed ecodesign per l’eco-innovazione Home page LEA laboratory (ENVIRONMENT) Partner
PROTO-LAB Unità Operativa PROTO-LAB per la prototipazione rapida e l’ingegneria inversa Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY) Partner

Related research topics
Code Topic Description
2 Environment
1 Energy
2 Environment
1 Energy
2 Environment
1 Energy
2 Environment
1 Energy
2 Environment
1 Energy




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Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione
Il Laboratorio ha realizzato progetti finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna e dal Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione
Attrattività Ricerca Territorio - Emilia-Romagna
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