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ENEA 14C laboratory update
Authors A. Rizzo, C. Telloli, P. Bartolomei  Year 2018
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Abstract We report on the status and capabilities of the ENEA 14C Laboratory. After a technical evaluation, ENEA decided to move the entire laboratory - including equipment and personnel - in a new location at the main headquarters in Bologna (Italy). The laboratory was definitely closed in November 2014 and all experimental activities have been stopped. The construction works for the new location, after the acceptance of the engineering and architectural plan, has been initiated in January 2015. In April 2015 the new facility in Bologna was ready and we were authorized to start the packing of the equipment and of the materials of the 14C laboratory. Up to now the re-location has been completed and since the beginning of September 2015 we will start to install all the equipment of the lab, including the prototype of the newly designed combustion system (Reiller et al., 2014).
The double chamber combustion cell will be directly set up within the pipeline of the existing combustion system so the possibility to have pyrolysis and/or oxidation will be completely embedded in the original design of the ENEA combustion system.
During the re-location period the opportunity for improving the instrumentation of the laboratory has been taken by procuring a new equipment for the combustion of organic based samples to add some functionality for the recovery of the C content (CO2).
The new configuration allowed to analyze samples from biobased field to nuclear technology applications.

Reiller, P.E., Bucur, C., Comte, J., Heisbourg, G., Lebeau, D., Rizzato, C., Rizzo, A., Vecernik, P. 2014. Annual progress report on WP4 - 2014 - (D4.2). Carbon-14 Source Term (CAST) Project, N 604779, CAST - D4.2.
Reference The 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference
17 - 22 giugno 2018 a Trondheim (Norvegia)
Poster n. 285
WEB Reference https://www.ntnu.edu/radiocarbon-2018/home
Repository reference DI138-013
Research unit TRAC
LastUpdate 18/10/2024
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