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>List of all the projects
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location Emilia Romagna
start_date 01/10/2022
end_date 30/09/2025
Keywords #energia #ambiente #transizione ecologica #emilia romagna #transizione digitale #Patto per il Lavoro e per il Clima
Development_Status In Progress
Funding National
Keywords #energia #ambiente #transizione ecologica #emilia romagna #transizione digitale #Patto per il Lavoro e per il Clima
S3 Area Energy and sustainable development  Traiectory Economia circolare e sviluppo sostenibile
Platform Energy and Environment
Project_Type R&D
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
LITE3R Laboratorio industriale tecnologie energetiche ENEA Emilia-Romagna Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY) Partner
TRAC Tracciabilità/rintracciabilità di prodotti e processi Home page Traceability laboratory Partner
EDI Efficientamento energetico degli edifici mediante l’adozione di materiali innovativi ed energie rinnovabili Home page LAERTE laboratory (ENERGY EFFICIENCY) Partner
LEI LCA ed ecodesign per l’eco-innovazione Home page LEA laboratory (ENVIRONMENT) Partner
X-LAB Unità Operativa X-LAB Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY) Partner

Related research topics
Code Topic Description
1 Energy
1.1 Renewable energy sources Renewable energy sources
1.1.3 Photovoltaic energy Photovoltaic energy
1.10 Energy transition Energy transition
1.2 Energy building efficiency Energy building efficiency Citizen energy communities Citizen energy communities are an approach that enables citizens and companies in a territory working together to invest in renewables, reduce energy costs and promote virtuous behavior in the use of energy that increase efficiency and improve the product
3.4 Smart city Smart city
1.8 Sustainable mobility
1 Energy
1 Energy
1.1 Renewable energy sources Renewable energy sources
1.1.3 Photovoltaic energy Photovoltaic energy
1.10 Energy transition Energy transition
1.2 Energy building efficiency Energy building efficiency Citizen energy communities Citizen energy communities are an approach that enables citizens and companies in a territory working together to invest in renewables, reduce energy costs and promote virtuous behavior in the use of energy that increase efficiency and improve the product
3.4 Smart city Smart city
1.8 Sustainable mobility
1 Energy
1 Energy
1.1 Renewable energy sources Renewable energy sources
1.1.3 Photovoltaic energy Photovoltaic energy
1.10 Energy transition Energy transition
1.2 Energy building efficiency Energy building efficiency Citizen energy communities Citizen energy communities are an approach that enables citizens and companies in a territory working together to invest in renewables, reduce energy costs and promote virtuous behavior in the use of energy that increase efficiency and improve the product
3.4 Smart city Smart city
1.8 Sustainable mobility
1 Energy
1 Energy
1.1 Renewable energy sources Renewable energy sources
1.1.3 Photovoltaic energy Photovoltaic energy
1.10 Energy transition Energy transition
1.2 Energy building efficiency Energy building efficiency Citizen energy communities Citizen energy communities are an approach that enables citizens and companies in a territory working together to invest in renewables, reduce energy costs and promote virtuous behavior in the use of energy that increase efficiency and improve the product
3.4 Smart city Smart city
1.8 Sustainable mobility
1 Energy
1 Energy
1.1 Renewable energy sources Renewable energy sources
1.1.3 Photovoltaic energy Photovoltaic energy
1.10 Energy transition Energy transition
1.2 Energy building efficiency Energy building efficiency Citizen energy communities Citizen energy communities are an approach that enables citizens and companies in a territory working together to invest in renewables, reduce energy costs and promote virtuous behavior in the use of energy that increase efficiency and improve the product
3.4 Smart city Smart city
1.8 Sustainable mobility
1 Energy

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