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Analysis of National Research Programs to Boost Urban Challenges in Transnational Cooperation
Authors Gilda Massa  Year 2021
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Abstract The paper analyzes National Research and Innovation Programs related to urban topic, still ongoing in 2018; the main aim is to highlight the possibility to align, around joint urban research priorities, the national programs of 16 European Member States (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Netherland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom). According to the GPC (High Level Group on Joint Programming), 'alignment' is the strategic approach taken by Member States to modify their strategies, priorities, or activities as a consequence of the adoption of joint research priorities in the context of joint programming, with a view to implement changes to improve the efficiency of investment in research at the level of Member States and the European Research Area. The analysis is based on data collected with an online survey among funding agencies in the framework of the EXPAND project, the Coordination and Support Action to boost the Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe. The main goal of the survey is to highlight how the research national programs are close to each other, in order to develop strategies for sustainable and liveable cities. The overall approach analyzes the key elements of each program and compare it with the five thematic priorities of Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda—S.R.I.A. Finally, the activity identifies suitable tracks and criteria to foster the alignment, thus providing a basis to build on a strategy for the sustainable, resilient, and liveable urban areas. The main outcomes of this analysis were: national program’ aims, objectives, and results; national funders/management; programs name linked with research area or research topic; program relations to SRIA thematic priorities.
Reference Massa, G. (2021). Analysis of National Research Programs to Boost Urban Challenges in Transnational Cooperation. In: Bisello, A., Vettorato, D., Haarstad, H., Borsboom-van Beurden, J. (eds) Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions. SSPCR 2019. Green Energy and Technology. Springer, Cham.
WEB Reference
Research unit X-LAB
Keywords Public engagement, National coordination, Alignment, Research programs, Urban issue
LastUpdate 08/04/2022
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