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BIBLIOGRAFIA prodotta dal laboratorio

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Implementing energy transition and SDGs targets throughout energy community schemes
Autori Francesca Cappellaro, Gianluca D’Agosta, Piero De Sabbata, Felipe Barroco, Claudia Carani, Alberto Borghetti, Luca Lambertini , Carlo Alberto Nucci  Anno 2022
Tipologia Articolo Rivista internazionale con referaggio
Abstract Citizens are expected to play a great role in the future global energy transition, being able to give a decisive contribution to limit global warming to 1.5 and avoid the worst consequences. Empowering citizens is crucial and assigning them the role of prosumers in the new energy market is necessary to ensure a sustainable and fair pathway to the low-carbon energy transition. Creating energy communities (ECs) can also engage citizens by providing flexibility and ancillary services, reducing losses and curtailments in the grid. It also yields environmental and social benefits, activating virtuous circles in the local economy aligned with the SDGs of Agenda 2030.

We illustrate the experience of an EC implementation, using GECO-Green Energy COmmunity project, as a case study. In particular, the in-depth qualitative analysis of the project from a social and technical perspective is provided.

The GECO Project is active in the districts of Pilastro and Roveri, Bologna, Italy, being implemented by a consortium including the Energy and Sustainable Development Agency (AESS), the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) and the University of Bologna (UniBo). Our findings show the potential interconnections among the development of an ECs and SDGs, especially goals 7, 11, 12 and 13. Placing ECs and prosumers at the centre of the international debate may deliver a more sustainable paradigm in the energy sector, in line with the climate change needs and community approaches.
Referenza_Bibliografica Francesca Cappellaro, Gianluca D’Agosta, Piero De Sabbata, Felipe Barroco, Claudia Carani, Alberto Borghetti, Luca Lambertini , Carlo Alberto Nucci, "Implementing energy transition and SDGs targets throughout energy community schemes", Journal of Urban Ecology, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2022, juac023, https://doi.org/10.1093/jue/juac023, October 2022
Riferimento WEB https://academic.oup.com/jue/article/8/1/juac023/6767258
Riferimento repository PDF DI230-028 (pdf)
Unita di Ricerca X-LAB
Keywords citizen energy community, renewable energy community, energy transition, SDGs
LastUpdate 24/10/2022
Topic di ricerca collegati
Codice Topic di ricerca Descrizione
1.10 Transizione energetica Transizione energetica
2.10 Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile Low carbon economy
3.4.6 Comunita' energetiche Le Comunita' energetiche sono uno strumento con il quale il cittadino e le imprese di un territorio possono collaborare assieme per investire sulle rinnovabili, ridurre i costi dell'energia e promuovere i comportamenti virtuosi nell'uso dell'energia che a

impact factor Vero
ReferenzaUnivoca https://doi.org/10.1093/jue/juac023






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