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3D Trasar Boiler Technology
Abstract 3D Trasar Boiler automations builds on Nalco’s 3D Trasar platform, advancing the premier technology in control capability.
Descrizione The 3D Trasar boiler system uses the Nalco patented fluorescence technology platform for Boiler scale control, and introduces a unique, patented Nalco Corrosion Stress MonitorTM for preboiler corrosion control. The 3D Trasar detects systems variations, then determines and adjust the correct program adjustments (Program dosage, operation parameters, alarm enablement etc.).
Description including main features/advantages
3D TRASAR® Boiler Technology is the innovative and unique boiler treatment
package designed to deliver superior sustainability performance, operational
efficiency, and asset protection.
This Modular technology continuously responds to changes in
boiler operation and feedwater quality, reducing system corrosion, ensuring
clean waterside surfaces, and minimizing water and energy resource use.
The result is continuity of production, conservation of resources, minimization of
emissions including GHG, and improved cost management. Innovative aspects
- The 3D Trasar controller is now enabled to monitor and control boiler scale prevention programs.
- The Nalco Corrosion Stress MonitorTM is a novel way of monitoring and minimizing corrosion in the preboiler. It functions by measuring and reacting to the net oxidation/reduction potential of the bulk feedwater measured at the actual boiler operating temperatures and pressures. It detects changes in this measurement and responds by changing the oxygen scavenger or metal passivator feed. Current and potential industrial users/domains of application
Any boiler or steam generating system ranging from small low pressure boilers to large higher pressure systems. Current state of development
The technology development is completed and is currently going through filed implementation phase. Demonstration projects are welcome.
Contact details
Nalco Europe B.V.
Contact person
Anja de Reus
Ir. G. Tjalmaweg 1
2342 BV Oegsgeest
The Netherlands
+31 71 5241143
+31 71 5241298
TRL - technology readiness level 6 Sistema prototipale testato.
Laboratorio TIGRI
Partner ENEA
Topic di ricerca 2.5.2 Trattamento reflui industriali
Risultato LISEA Falso
Risultato Tecnopolo Falso
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Code Topic Descrizione ID
2.5.2 Trattamento reflui industriali 41

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