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Traceability of extra virgin olive oil: geochemical and environmental fingerprints revealed by ICP-MS-QQQ analysis
Authors Telloli C, Tagliavini S, Passarini F, Rizzo A, Salvi S.  Year 2021
Pubblication type Poster International Conference with referee
Abstract Studies on food traceability are of great importance nowadays, involving high demanding processes to cover all food chain steps. Extra virgin olive oil is a typical product that has a strong linkage with the Mediterranean area, and its origin protection is continuously improved both by European Regulations about its quality policy and by the development of analytical techniques increasingly appropriate. Simultaneous multi-element approach like Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) makes possible the representation of EVO oil’s mineral composition. Involving a ICP-MS Triple Quadrupoles (ICP-MS-QQQ) it becomes even more a powerful tool for interference-free quantitative analysis of trace and ultra-trace elements. This study aims at elaborating a method to better determine mineral composition of this matrix and at validating the method used to determine its reliability. EVO oil’s fingerprint shows its predominant elements and it points out its possible contamination with toxic elements.
Reference EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna (Austria). Session Geochemical and isotopic methodologies for traceability and food security (ITS3.10/ERE1.7/BG2.22/SSS9.13)
WEB Reference DOI:
WEB Reference 2
Research unit TRAC
LastUpdate 20/05/2021
Related research topics
Code Topic Description
4.2 Isotopic Traceability of products Isotopic techniques for checking product's origin

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