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Petro-archaeometric characterization of historical mortars in the city of Ravenna (Italy)
Authors Marrocchino E, Telloli C, Novara P, Meletti V, Vaccaro C.  Year 2020
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Abstract During restoring operations of ancient buildings, datable between 1th and 16th century, in the city of Ravenna samples of mortars from different archaeological sites has been collected by the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Emilia Romagna. Mineralogical and chemical analyses of these samples allowed to characterize mortars composition, comparing their features in order to highlight changes in construction technologies and chronological discrimination, by defining raw materials used and establishing their places of origin. In particular, mortars from: the Roman age San Zaccaria (Early Imperial period), the Cloisters of San Francesco (14th - 17th century and modern age) and Corte delle Antiche Carceri (dating back to Middle ages and modern age) were analyzed.
Reference IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Trento (Italy).
WEB Reference
Research unit TRAC
LastUpdate 05/01/2022
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Code Topic Description
5 Materials Research, development and engineering in the field of advanced materials

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