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BIBLIOGRAFIA prodotta dal laboratorio

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Forecasting and assessment of wildland fires air quality impact in Italy
Autori Finardi S., Mircea M., Righini G., Sofiev M., Hakkarainen J., Kukkonen J.  Anno 2012
Tipologia Articolo Conferenza internazionale con referaggio
Abstract A modelling system to estimate forest fires contribution to air quality at national scale is being built in Italy, while FMI is running a reference European scale wildfires air quality forecast system. An intercomparison of the two modelling systems has been performed with the aim to identify a suitable approach for application over the Mediterranean area. The sensitivity of the results to the differences in meteorological and air quality modelling has been analysed and compared with their dependence on fire emission estimates. Emissions computed with different methods (i) from MODIS "Burned Area Product", using the FARM model, and (ii) from Fire Radiative Power MODIS product, using the SILAM model, have been compared through model simulations. SILAM and FARM modelling systems provide coherent results for values and space distribution of surface PM concentrations, even if driven by different meteorological fields. The major source of uncertainty appears to be in the emission estimates that can cause differences up to one order of magnitude.
Referenza_Bibliografica Finardi S., Mircea M., Righini G., Sofiev M., Hakkarainen J., Kukkonen J. 'Forecasting and assessment of wildland fires air quality impact in Italy' Proceedings of 8th Int. Conference on Air Quality - Science and Application, Athens, 19-23 March 2012
Unita di Ricerca MIA
Keywords incendi boschivi, qualità dell'aria
LastUpdate 16/04/2012
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2.7 Inquinamento atmosferico

impact factor Falso




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