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CROSS-TEC (www.cross-tec.enea.it)

Interoperability and virtualisation of processes in enterprises networks

Responsible: Giulia Monteleone

Scientific coordinator: Gianluca D'Agosta

The laboratory addresses the following research issues:

  • Technologies of interoperability and enterprises networks; semantic technologies and for the traceability of the supply chain; technologies and enabling standards for smart cities and communities (X-LAB)
  • Methodologies for cad/cam design and new production technologies (PROTO-LAB)
  • Characterisation of energetic components and IT applications for energy. New technologies for reducing energy consumption, optimizing production processes, analyzing and using new fuels, and biofuels, and systems for sustainable mobility.(LITE3R)
  • Applications in the HPC-Big Data field of interest to industry and Public Administration. (HPC-Lab)

The laboratory participates the activities of the ICT and Design Regional Technological Platform of Emilia-Romagna region.

The objectives

1. Interoperability technologies and enterprises networks (X-LAB)

  • Standards adoption methods and tools for machine-to-machine data exchange;
  • New business models enabled by IT (Smart energy grids, energy optimisation, smart manufacturinmg)
  • Tools and methods for data exchange standards adoption and interoperability assessment
  • Test Bed methods and tools for evaluation of interoperability and applications conformance to standard specifications;
  • "Test hall" open to the enterprises who want to check the interoperability of their own applications.

Expected impact toward enterprises:

  • Standards adoption/participation to standardization activity
  • Test and measure of the systems interoperability
  • Creation of a regional environment favourable to standard based eBusiness
  • Independent support (not another SW solution)

2. Cad/cam design methodologies and new production techniques (PROTO-LAB)

  • Development of CAD 3D modelling methodologies for the integration with automatic production, rapid modelling and "rapid manufacturing" systems
  • Development of CAD 3D design methodologies for high design content models through the integrated use of the modelling NURBS and SDS (SubDivisionSurface) for made in Italy products
  • Definition of potential implementations for generative modelling. Generative modelling integration with 3D design systems for "visual programming" applications and complex mathematic functions translation in three-dimensional models hardly realizable with normal CAD tools.
  • "Best practices" in collaboration with PMI and artisan laboratories finalized to research activities based on the application of cad/cam technologies and their integration with the traditional systems of production

Expected impact toward enterprises:

  • CAD/CAM technologies introduction with specific reference to 3D modelling, inverse engineering and rapid modelling inside micro-enterprises and artisan laboratories
  • Increase of enterprises competitiveness through the optimization of the design process, the time to market reduction and the increase of the collections design level

A short presentation (slide) about the Proto-LAB technologies application in an innovation process: download: download slides (DI134-004, Italian)

The history in short

Units today in CROSS-TEC have previously participated in the realization of the Center for the innovation CROSS (www.cross-lab.it) and following of the Regional Laboratory LISEA (www.lisealab.it).

Large part of the CROSS-TEC background consists therefore of two technological transfer laboratories (X-LAB and PROTOCENTER) operating in ENEA from more than 10 years.

Technology report e volantini di sintesi


Moda-ML TR

Interop TR

ProtoLab TR


Technology Report QFD



Last update: 10/09/2024



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Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione
Il Laboratorio ha realizzato progetti finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna e dal Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione
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